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Sally Freshwater’s work emerges from a continual fascination with the architectural potential of textiles. Working with a combination of pliable and solid elements she creates forms where all the parts work in harmony, each reliant on the next to maintain the structure, the works relating to the body through scale and how they occupy the field of vision. The intention is to provide a focus. While the textile is for the most part treated as a sculptural material, a detailed knowledge of the inherent qualities of the fabric is necessary for the structures success. Recent works have seen a pairing of lead with fabric and the application of metal laminates to the fabric surface, exploring apparent similarities and opposites, seductions and repulsions, echoing yet giving different values to the forms and structures.
The works are deliberately abstract, not replicating other forms, though shapes and materials may echo familiar objects, creating associations in the mind of the viewer. Many of the works have implied movement, while in others this potential has become a real factor, using natural air currents and exploring mechanical interventions to power the way the work moves.

Sally’s work includes major site-specific commissions both for public and corporate spaces and her work is included in many private collections.

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Exchange House commission